Thursday, April 23, 2015

Day 1

On day 1 of 100 days I am grateful for unexpected lunch dates.  Today, I took Georgie and Lucy out to lunch at Wegmans.  We sat at the counter and I noticed the joy the kids had eating their sugar cookies.  They savored every bite!

Lucy opens her mouth so big to eat a cookie that her head actually shakes!


I have been wanting to start blogging again for so long but never seem to find the time. I have actually really missed sharing our adventures. A friend recently stated a 100 days of gratitude on Facebook and it got me thinking. I have been trying to start each morning at breakfast with something each of us are grateful for. This has been fun with the kids and even Lucy joins in, although she often just says "Mommy, Daddy" which I know she has learned from the boys.  However, I feel like this is really important for a lot of reasons. I want the kids to learn to appreciate the small things in life.  I know as an adult how easy it is to get into a negative-thinking mindset. More than that, I know how hard and challenging life can be at times.  I hope that if they notice and appreciate the small moments, they will be able to lead more joyful lives.  I also know that research suggests that keeping gratitude journals for even short periods of time can really increase your mood.

So I plan to post something we are grateful for every day for 100 days.  I may not be able to do it EVERY day but I will make a point of recognizing it and then posting once I catch up.  I hope this will be a group effort and I want to have the kids help as much as possible.  So here goes!